Doctors and Farmers

Doctors and Farmers

Doctors and Farmers

Comparing doctors and farmers, they are the most meritorious people in the world, because they are the people who are most needed. Without them, maybe many people will lose their lives, doctors are difficult jobs, research needs to be done until they can treat people who are sick. Much research has been done about humans and diseases, many lives are helped by work. He is a hero to everyone, especially me, maybe I have gone to the hospital for treatment, whether it's fever, flu, or the incidence of typhus.

The doctor is my dream when I was little, because I wanted to help people. I was amazed at the doctor, because he knew the patient's illness. Many people have been helped by their lives because of him. In all fields of the doctor is needed. Sports for example, because it is able to help injured athletes, minor injuries to severe injuries. My brother experienced this, his knee was injured and finally underwent several months of therapy to treat his knee. And Alhamdulillah he recovered from his injury because he went to the hospital.

Being a doctor is not easy, and costs a lot. It takes a lot of time and money to pay for school, and a doctor must be smart and have comprehensive medical care for his patients.
in Indonesia treatment is not expensive because there are BPJS from the Indonesian Government that guarantee public health, with BPJS cards. so we don't have to pay dearly because some medical payments are already under the responsibility of the Government, and we are grateful for that.

Whereas in the picture below is someone who also contributes to Indonesia, people who plant crops and food for the community without it may be that many people who are malnourished and vulnerable to disease, Doctors and Farmers are jobs that have the same goal, namely health and well-being , and farmers are noble work, many are farming in their hometowns for everyday life, and farmers also take part in conserving plants and protecting the environment.

Even agriculture is a job that produces many benefits, because farmers sell their plantation products because they need a long time to harvest, from planting seeds, maintaining plantations from pests, and harvesting them themselves.

The risk of becoming a farmer is very heavy, there are many possibilities for farmers to fail crops, from pest attacks, prolonged droughts, floods, and natural disasters. Because we have to respect farmer's service, so don't waste our food because farmers try hard for the food we eat.
from the two descriptions above about doctors and farmers, we can conclude that the two jobs are very important and meritorious for humanity, therefore we should be able to appreciate their hard work, especially farmers. so we learn not to waste food and we also learn to save because not always we can eat delicious.

and we can also learn that health is expensive. Healthy is not a luxury. Healthy is cheap but it becomes expensive when it has become healthy.
That's all from my writing. thank you and see you.


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