My Life

My Life

Hasil gambar untuk About my life

My name is Aldo Hidayat, born December 1, 1998 in the city of Bogor.
I am the first child of 3 siblings, and I live with my parents in Bogor, so every day I have to go back to Depok to study in Gunadarma, I go to college to take the faculties of computer science and information technology, my major is Computer systems.

I used to go to school at smk 1 ciomas majoring in software engineering, and that was my reason why I majored in this computer system, because I had known computers since high school and wanted to continue to a higher level.
I tried to take part in the SBMPTN last year, but fate took me to Gunadarma University, the famous Private Campus in Depok. This is where I am now seeking knowledge to reach my goal of becoming a graduate.

In college I found many friends, many stories that can be told to them, about lectures, about assignments, and family. My best friend Adri, Lutfi, Dirfan, Samsul, and Rangga are my classmates. They are where I tell stories, discussions about assignments and making videos to be competed for, even though there hasn't been a video that has won, but we only succeeded in the top 100. lots of stories with them, from joining organizations together, eating together, and traveling together.

We went to Bandung last year, there was our first tour. Where we know each character. Joking and laughing are the reasons I'm happy with them. their silliness, their compactness, even their ignorance becomes a weapon to make us laugh at any moment. Besides my lectures, I also joined the VidGram UG community.

 A simple community that makes videos to entertain in cyberspace, lots of videos and creative content that has been created. Some of them were viral even though there were not many. and this community is growing from year to year, and more and more people like the video content. And here is my place of creativity and entertainment.
Besides that, I also had time to enter organizations such as MAPA and Snap Gunadarma, because of something, so I finally left because of several reasons. A lot of knowledge can be gained during Mapa and Snap. His natural science attracted my attention to study it and until now I still want to learn it even though I am not in that organization. and I also entered the SNAP Organization, a Photography organization that specializes in Photography. At this time I was no longer active in the organization because I had a lot of busy life until I finally resigned. From this organization, there is a lot of knowledge that I have gained and is useful for my life now.

Right now I just want to be more focused on lectures, because many of the organizations that I follow have actually become a barrier for me because of my deteriorating value in lectures. So finally I released one by one the organizations that I followed to improve my grades in lectures.
On the other hand I also helped my parents trade, namely nasi padang. my father's business which was founded in 2009 until now. So in between as I study, I also work with my family to make ends meet. I'm grateful that I can still study because many of them don't have the opportunity to study, and I'm a lucky person.

And that's my story about my college life and daily life. Thanking Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala for giving me a good and decent life.


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